Keep clothes, curtains, toys and other potentially combustible materials
at away from radiators, space heaters, heating vents and other heat
Cords should not be placed beneath rugs where they can become a trip
hazard or where frays will not be noticeable. Furthermore, covering a
cord will prevent it from keeping as cool as possible.
Do not overload outlets with multiple adapters or power strips; relocate cords instead.
Use bulbs that have the correct wattage requirements for each fixture.
Using a higher wattage bulb can cause the fixture to overheat.
According to the Blue Ridge Electric Membership Cooperative, if a CFL bulb breaks, you should open a window and have all people and pets leave the room for at least 15 minutes.
Always screw bulbs in tightly; a loose bulb can cause sparks or shorts.
Be sure to unplug or turn off a fixture completely before changing light bulbs.
Consider switching to more efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs
that provide the same level of light at a lower wattage level.